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NPR prides itself on staying current on the latest trends and needs of educators. We collaborate with our award-winning authors to ensure educators receive the most clear, concise information in our user-friendly, laminated format which educators love!

AI in Education 101: A Teacher’s Guide

By: Emily Karst

Educators today are feeling the crush of the numerous responsibilities that come with teaching. From lesson planning and grading to managing classroom behaviors and communicating with parents, the demands are endless. It’s no wonder that burnout has become a prevalent issue in the profession. AI in Education 101: A Teacher’s Guide describes how teachers can free up more of their time by integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into their workdays and teaching practices, ultimately reducing burnout.

Teaching Math: Secondary Math Strategies (6-Algebra)

By Brad Witzel & Jonté Myers

Secondary mathematics, spanning introductory pre-algebra to advanced calculus, is critical in preparing students to meet the challenges of the modern world. The topics students learn at this level are relevant for their success in post-secondary endeavors, with the demand for quantitative and analytical skills at an all-time high. Furthermore, mathematics promotes students’ ability to reason logically and think critically, which are highly transferrable skills.

Dyscalculia is a learning disorder specific to math that impacts students with and without special education labels, causing gaps in their math understanding. It is critical to use systematic explicit instruction strategies employing task analysis, mnemonics, and representations, such as visuals and CRA, to help these students.

Teaching Math: Early Childhood Math Strategies (PreK-2)

By Brad Witzel & Sarah King

Schools are required to provide multilingual learners with specialized instruction, per federal and state laws and regulations. However, service delivery options vary from state to state and from school to school based on policies, mandates, demographics, and a range of other variables. Today, more and more schools are using collaborative integrated services and co-teaching to meet the needs of these learners.

Teaching Math: Elementary Math Strategies (3-5)

By Brad Witzel & Natalie Patton

Mathematics has many key topics and areas that students must learn to be successful from one standard to the next and one grade level to the next. In grades 3 - 5, students are still developing their foundation for future learning. This means that mastery of certain areas of math are paramount in helping students bridge the arithmetic to algebra gap, a common concern for students that show basic understanding of arithmetic concepts but have difficulty transferring that learning through secondary mathematics.

Transition Time: Play-Based Learning Experiences for PreK-K

By Ellen Booth Church

At the heart of every transition lies change, and change can be challenging for children and adults alike. Transitions require learning how to shift focus, pay attention, and change activities (and often moods) quickly and easily. By helping young children become comfortable with transitions in school, you support their growing brains and help prepare them for changes throughout their lives.

Positive Behavior Support for Early Childhood

By Ellen Booth Church

The diverse skills and experiences children bring to the classroom significantly influence their learning and interactions. By dedicating yourself to understanding the “inside story” behind their behavior, you can promote crucial social and emotional development, fostering a positive and happy learning environment for all.

Helping children develop social and emotional skills supports their learning and prepares them for their educational journey. This trifold laminated guide provides strategies for nurturing children’s confidence, cooperation, curiosity, empathy, and communication within the group.

Multilingual Learners: Language Development or Disability?

By Carrie McDermott Goldman

According to the National Education Association (NEA), multilingual learners (also referred to as English learners) comprise approximately 25% of students in pre-K-12 classrooms nationwide. These students have historically been overrepresented in special education, often because educators do not understand how multilingual learners acquire language and how this process impacts overall learning.

This guide provides information on the second language acquisition process and identifies characteristics of multilingual learners that do not, on their own, constitute the need for special education. Alongside a chart of the most common disabilities, it identifies red flags that may indicate the need to refer a multilingual learner for special education evaluation. It also offers a checklist of supports and interventions that should be provided in the general education classroom before a referral is made.

Social Emotional Learning: Implementing Emotional Intelligence in the Faculty Room & Classroom

By Marc A. Brackett & Karen Niemi

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to cultivate self- and social awareness, understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

The critical role of SEL in supporting adults’ personal and professional growth makes it a valuable component of lifelong learning and development. Teachers with strong SEL skills are better equipped to handle stress, build supportive relationships with colleagues and students, and create classroom environments that promote learning and growth. Additionally, SEL helps teachers develop a greater sense of self-efficacy and professional fulfillment, contributing to overall well-being and career longevity.

Multilingual Learners: Co-Teaching and Collaboration

By Andrea Honigsfeld & Maria Dove

Schools are required to provide multilingual learners with specialized instruction, per federal and state laws and regulations. However, service delivery options vary from state to state and from school to school based on policies, mandates, demographics, and a range of other variables. Today, more and more schools are using collaborative integrated services and co-teaching to meet the needs of these learners.

This guide is designed to support for K-12 English Language Development (ELD) teachers and their general education colleagues as they engage in a complete collaborative instructional cycle consisting of co-planning, co-teaching, co-assessing, and reflecting on practice. It presents a collaborative planning framework, reviews coteaching models along with their respective advantages and disadvantages, and identifies critical questions for reflection on action.

Inclusive Pre-K and Kindergarten: Supporting Student Differences, 2nd Edition

By Paula Kluth & Jaclyn Beljung

Pre-K and kindergarten classrooms are special settings that may be a child’s first introduction to formal schooling. They are designed to help children learn about learning, with playing, moving, and creating all integral parts of daily lessons. Teachers are charged with designing experiences that build classroom community, allow choice and freedom, and keep students engaged.

Student diversity demands careful and targeted differentiation of curriculum, instruction, learning objectives, and environment. Most pre-K and kindergarten classrooms are inclusive of children who have already been identified as having disabilities as well as those whose may have needs that are not yet diagnosed. Language differences are also common in today’s classroom; many teachers will have one or more multilingual learners on their class lists. Finally, some children have specific enrichment needs and these may require thought, planning, and possibly even accommodations.

10 Common Classroom Behavior Problems

By Kenneth Shore, PsyD

Today’s classrooms present many challenges. More diverse student populations, the inclusion of students with disabilities, the increase of multilingual students, and the learning loss issues in the aftermath of the pandemic, are only a few of the many issues that make the elementary teaching experience more demanding. So, addressing the common behavior problems that may often arise in today’s classrooms only adds additional burdens to the job of being an elementary teacher. Toward that end, teachers need specific and targeted help with constructive approaches to lift that burden.

Educator’s Guide to Bullying Prevention

By Dr. Kenneth Shore

Bullying is one of the most pervasive forms of violence in our society today. And the setting where bullying occurs most often is in school-related environments, such as on the bus, on the playground, at lunch, or in the hallways.

Combatting Chronic Absenteeism Through Attendance Improvement Plans

By Sharon Bradley

Consistent school attendance is crucial for student success and development. Both academic and social-emotional growth depend on regular attendance and involvement in school activities. Chronic absenteeism affects all student populations, especially students of color, those from low socioeconomic backgrounds, and those who frequently move. To effectively address chronic absenteeism and reduce excessive absences, the entire school community, along with students, their families, and community partners, must work together as a problem-solving body to implement actionable strategies and practical solutions that address barriers to attendance.

MTSS & ELs/MLs: Multi-tiered Systems of Support & English/Multilingual Learners

By Seth Aldrich

Today, approximately 10 percent of students in grades K-12 are English learners (also called multilingual learners/MLs). The majority of these students face a variety of challenges and and their need for systemic instructional and sometimes social, emotional, and/or behavioral support is often significant. Furthermore, the COVID- 19 pandemic increased the learning gap between English learners and native English speakers, with English learners now requiring even more support to catch up to their peers. Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) (formerly known as Response To Intervention, or RTI) provides an effective framework for assessing and understanding the needs of English learners.

New Teacher Guide: 10 Keys to Success

By Joseph Casbaroo

Being a new teacher can be a very challenging and stressful yet also rewarding experience. New teachers want to be successful but don’t have significant classroom experience to draw upon. This new quick-reference laminated guide by Joseph Casbarro, PhD provides new teachers with ten keys to successful teaching and classroom management. It offers proven strategies and identifies common pitfalls

Teaching Reading: Master the Fundamentals Bundle - Set of 4 Guides

By Douglas Fisher & Nancy Frey

From acclaimed educators and best-selling authors Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey comes Teaching Reading: Mastering the Fundamentals, a series of four laminated guides that provide teachers with essential information and strategies for teaching students in grades K-6 how to read. The guides, which are designed to be used sequentially as a set but can also be stand-alone resources for targeting certain components of teaching reading, draw from the latest research and present practical, powerful strategies that teachers can utilize right away in their classrooms.

Teaching Reading: Alphabetics, Phonics & Phonemic Awareness #1

By Douglas Fisher & Nancy Frey

This guide, #1 in the four-guide series Teaching Reading: Mastering the Fundamentals by Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey, is about the development of grapheme-phoneme correspondence for elementary readers. It provides teachers with helpful guidance including five concepts for early teaching of alphabetics, principles of phonemic awareness instruction, the best sequence for phonics instruction, and key ideas for word recognition foundational skills.

Teaching Reading: Oral Reading Fluency & Sight Word Recognition #2

By Douglas Fisher & Nancy Frey

This guide, #2 in the four-guide series Teaching Reading: Mastering the Fundamentals by Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey. This guide focuses on methods for building the reading fluency of elementary students to foster comprehension.

Teaching Reading: Vocabulary & Morphology #3

By Douglas Fisher & Nancy Frey

This guide, #3 in the four-guide series Teaching Reading: Mastering the Fundamentals series, is about the development of vocabulary and morphological awareness for elementary readers. These skills are crucial for reading comprehension of increasingly complex texts. Each skill is discussed separately, along with ideas for leveraging them together.

Teaching Reading: Comprehension & Verbal Reasoning #4

By Douglas Fisher & Nancy Frey

This guide, #4 in the four-guide series Teaching Reading: Mastering the Fundamentals series, focuses on methods for building comprehension and verbal reasoning in elementary students. Understanding a text requires the application of a variety of reading comprehension skills, strategies, and knowledge. This guide provides information about reading comprehension and verbal reasoning instruction for elementary students.

Teaching with Hope: Reduce Burnout & Deepen Your Well-Being

By Amy L. Eva

This guide is written by Dr. Amy L Eva with hope in mind. Dr. Eva is the Associate Education Director at the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley and one of the key developers of Greater Good in Education, a popular website that features research-informed practices for creating kinder, happier schools where everyone belongs. In the guide, she presents four simple well-being strategies that require very little time and investment but go a long way in helping teachers navigate daily challenges while elevating positive experiences in their lives and their work.

Transitioning to College: A Guide for Students with Disabilities, 3rd Edition

By Elizabeth C. Hamblet

School personnel, parents and high school students with disabilities will all benefit from this new and expanded (6-page) laminated guide by Elizabeth Hamblet. It offers detailed suggestions of ways students with disabilities, with the help of parents and teachers/school staff, can start preparing for the transition to college as early as freshman year of high school.

Specially Designed Instruction for Co-Teachers

By Marilyn Friend

This guide is a roadmap to help teachers, administrators, other school staff, and parents understand the requirements for specially designed instruction (SDI). It outlines versatile and validated strategies and techniques well-suited to co-teaching, although it is a small sample of the many SDI interventions available.

Teaching Reading to Multilingual Learners

By Carrie McDermott Goldman

Using a combination of approaches, including phonics, comprehension strategies, orthographic mapping, and fluency, helps multilingual learners develop the skills they need to become confident and competent readers while also building language and literacy skills that enable them to understand and retain information. This guide explains the what, why, and how of teaching multilingual learners to read and offers evidence-based strategies for implementing effective reading instruction.

Using MTSS to Help Low-Income Students Succeed

By Angel Barrett

This guide presents Tier 1 and Tier 2 multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) strategies that are proven effective for meeting the needs of low-income students. It also describes ways educators can prime these students for success, such as cultivating their self-confidence by building on academic success, aligning daily activities to long-term applications, and creating a culture that instills hope, where all students believe their potential is unlimited.

Educational Terms and Acronyms

By Joseph Casbarro

Whether you are a teacher, paraeducator, support staff, or educator-in-training, it is essential that you know important educational terms and acronyms. Even parents need to know many of these terms and abbreviations as they try and navigate the educational system for the benefit of their children. This reference guide provides a comprehensive list of those used most often in the field.

Autism Bundle - Set of 3 Guides

This set of three (3) tri-fold laminated guides equips teachers, specialists, and support staff with practical, evidence-based strategies to use with students with autism to help them achieve their full potential.

English Learner Bundle - Set of 3 Guides

By Carrie McDermott Goldman

This bundle of three (3) tri-fold laminated guides will equip classroom teachers with practical, evidence-based strategies for meeting the needs of the English language/multi-lingual learners in their K-12 classrooms.

Dyslexia Bundle - Set of 3 Guides

By Sandra Rief

This bundle includes three (3) tri-fold laminated guides by dyslexia expert Sandra Rief. The guides will help classroom teachers and support staff understand dyslexia and learn practical, evidence-based strategies to meet the needs of students with this common learning disability, which affects as many as 25 percent of all students.

Using Assessment Evidence Formatively

By Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey

Assessments are not inherently formative or summative. What makes an assessment formative is how and when it is used. When assessment data are used to make decisions about what should be taught next and how it should be taught, the assessment is formative in nature. This guide presents a four-step process for using assessment evidence formatively. It includes examples from both elementary and secondary classrooms.

Using the Circle Technique to Build Classroom Relationships

By Rufus Lott III

This guide describes The Circle technique, a powerful and systematic way of engaging with students and building authentic relationships with and among them. It includes step-by-step instructions for conducting various types of Circles, sample questions to use with students in grades K-12, guidance on what to look for during Circles, and how to use information shared in the Circle to develop individualized supports for students.

Dyslexia: Best Practices and Strategies for the Early Grades

By Sandra Rief

This quick-reference guide by Sandra Rief provides an overview of what teachers need to know about dyslexia and the structured language approach. It also shares multisensory instructional strategies for teaching phonological awareness and early literacy word-level reading and writing skills that all teachers (Pre-K through Grade 2) will find beneficial integrating into classroom and Tier 1 small group instruction/intervention.

Beyond Disability Awareness: An Educators Guide

By Diana Pastora Carson

Now more than ever, with a push toward diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in education, educators are often unsure about how to update their disability awareness initiatives. This guide will give you clear and respectful guidelines for including disability within DEI frameworks.

MTSS & Mathematics for Middle School

By Jennifer Caton and Mary Little

This guide provides critical information, practical strategies, and evidenced-based interventions about middle school mathematics instruction within MTSS. It offers an array of ways to use this highly effective framework to meet the needs of students who struggle with mathematics.

Teaching English Learners: Strategies for Classroom Teachers

By Carrie McDermott Goldman

This guide provides teachers with information that will help them understand and set expectations for language development. It also provides strategies that incorporate best practices for helping English learners develop content knowledge through language.

Chronic Absenteeism: Prevention & Intervention Strategies for Schools, Families, & Communities

By Sharon Bradley

This guide examines the widespread problem of chronic absenteeism in schools, from why students fail to show up to school, to how to prevent excessive absences, to how to find missing students and re-engage them so that they are able to get back on track and ultimately graduate and reach their full potential.

Autism Strategies A-Z for Level 1 & 2 Learners

By Wendy Ashcroft , B. Joyce Keohane , Sue Argiro

This guide offers general and special education teachers, parents, and paraprofessionals quick-access to practical tips and effective ABA-based strategies for teaching children with autism who need support (level 1) and substantial support (level 2).

Autism Strategies A-Z for Level 2 & 3 Learners

By Wendy Ashcroft , B. Joyce Keohane , Sue Argiro

This guide offers general and special education teachers, parents, and paraprofessionals quick-access to practical tips and effective ABA-based strategies for teaching children with autism who need substantial support (level 2) and very substantial support (level 3).

ADHD & LD: Classroom Strategies at Your Fingertips

By Sandra Rief

This guide is an invaluable quick-reference classroom tool for teachers, paraeducators, and all who serve students with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and learning disabilities (LD). It is also an excellent teacher-training/professional development resource for educators in both general education and special education classrooms.

Addressing Equity Through Culturally Responsive Education & SEL

By Maurice Elias Larry Leverett

This guide is designed to provide educators with tools and strategies to integrate social-emotional and character development (SEL) and culturally responsive education (CRE) into your classroom or school’s equity strategies.