
At National Professional Resources, we are honored and proud to have many of the leading voices in specialty fields within education writing for us, filming professional development videos with us, and providing us with invaluable insight and expertise on the most important current trends, issues, and research-based theories.  Some have worked with us for decades and are like members of our NPR family. Others are more recent contributors, whose voices we are honored to add to our roster of authors and collaborators. Below, you fill find biographical information on these esteemed education professionals, including links to their products and, where available, like to their personal/professional websites. 

Marc Brackett

Implementing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in Classrooms and Schools

Isaiah Pickens

A Trauma-Informed and Culturally Responsive (TICR) Approach in Classrooms

Paula Kluth 

aula Kluth, EdD is a consultant, author, advocate, and independent scholar who works 

Marilyn Friend

Marilyn Friend, PhD, has spent her career as a general education teacher, special education