CCSS and ELLs:

Laminated Guides

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Estee Lopez
Product Type:
Laminated Guide
8.5" x 11"
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Product Overview

"I would highly recommend this outstanding work to all educators as an excellent synopsis of outstanding research with practical suggestions for implementation in the 21st Century classroom. It is replete with sound ideas, concepts and practical suggestions for the teacher and students. I highly recommend this tremendous work to all – far superior and practical than many guides and books on the same subject."

-Walter J. Sullivan, PhD, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership, College of New Rochelle, Graduate School

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) pose an exciting challenge for educators by setting ambitious learning goals in mathematics and English language arts designed to ensure all students receive a high-quality education. 

CCSS and ELLs, written by Estee Lopez, a veteran in the field of education and recognized expert on educating English Language Learners (ELLs), is an essential quick-reference tool for teachers and other professionals who strive to align their curriculum to the common core and incorporate research-based best practices to help English Language Learners—and all students—succeed.

This six page (tri-fold) laminated guide is also designed to initiate professional learning conversations and direct educators to resources that will accelerate and improve the teaching and learning of ELL students.  Readers will learn:

  • Best practices for teaching ELLs
  • An integrated approach to content and language objectives
  • Scaffolding strategies
  • Questioning techniques

CCSS and ELLs offers teachers and school leaders committed to the success of ELLs the strategies for teaching that will enable them to connect with their ELL students and integrate them in meaningful learning experiences with other students; implement curriculum and tasks that are demanding; and construct lessons that are interactive and collaborative.


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