Gary Schaffer

Gary Schaffer is a school psychologist and author of the book Nuts & Bolts: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: A Basic Guide to Implementing Preventative Practice in Our Schools and Community. Gary is currently employed by the NYS Office of People with Developmental Disabilities. Additionally, he provides consultation and assessment services for the Erie County Medical Center and serves in the capacity of part-time professor of school psychology and counseling at Niagara University. 

. Previously, Gary was employed by the NYS Office of Mental Health, Frontier School District, and Lansing School District. In June, 2015, Gary met with national legislators in Washington, DC to support the inclusion of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). He provides professional presentations and offers consultation on Multi-Tiered Systems of Support and best preventative practices under three-tiered frameworks, such as RtI and SWPBS.  

Gary’s areas of interest and topics of presentation include multi-tiered systems of support, intervention service delivery models, autism spectrum disorder, and living with hidden disabilities. Currently, he is leading a national study on adolescents and adults with high functioning autism. He is also leading a study on the practice of school psychology in non-traditional settings and writing a second book on MTSS. For National Professional Resources, he is the author of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: A Flowchart for MTSS, RTI, SWPBS, Social-Emotional RTI, and Suicide Prevention & Intervention.

Gary Schaffer headshot

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