Brain-Friendly Learning

Laminated Guides

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Publication Date::
January 2025
Elementary and Secondary Educators
Retail Price::
8.5” x 11”
Laminated Reference Guide
National Professional Resources
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Product Overview

A teacher’s primary goal is student learning. While good teaching involves many things (data-driven planning, intentional instruction design, strong classroom management, etc.), at the core of all this work is the human brain. This guide provides essential information on how the brain works and how to design learning experiences that work with the brain, targeting key brain chemicals and tapping into the natural ways the brain receives, processes, and stores information.

It includes sections on

  • The teacher’s state of mind
  • Knowing what the brain prioritizes
  • Understanding key brain chemicals
  • Designing learning to be remembered
  • Key ingredients for a brain-based classroom
  • Sample lessons (elementary and secondary) with brain-friendly modifications
  • General tips for brain-friendly classrooms

The guide is an invaluable quick-reference resource for elementary and secondary teachers. In addition to the content listed above, it also addresses the teacher’s state of mind, setting goals, and redefining success.


Shannon Meyer, M.Ed. is a trainer with a passion for empowering grown-ups with knowledge that makes decoding challenging-kid-behavior much easier to do. With a heart for trauma-informed and all-access instruction, she has learned that understanding the brain, motivation, focus, and retention is vital for high-impact classrooms. With a background in instructional coaching, district-wide professional development, College and Career-Ready Grant Research, Positive Discipline, comprehensive curriculum development, and Masters work in cross-cultural teaching, Shannon is skilled at identifying the most powerful levers of success for planning, instruction, and classroom management. Her primary goal is to empower all stakeholders to respond, rather than react, and joyfully learn better practices together.


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